Work Life Balance

Working balanceDo you sometimes feel overwhelmed and frustrated while maintaining commitments to work, family and personal wellbeing?

Through creating a healthy balance between work, family and personal wellbeing we can feel confident we are spending time in alignment with our values and desired outcomes. We achieve tasks efficiently. We are emotionally present at work and with family and friends. Stress reduces and health increases.

Five of the basic keys to Work Life Balance are:

  • Prioritizing: knowing your values, goals and current lifestyle balance.
  • Time Management: time blocking, time out and letting go.
  • Setting Boundaries: physical and emotional.
  • Self Care: nourishing your physical and emotional health.
  • Managing Beliefs: beliefs that serve us like “I deserve to have time out.”

It is our beliefs that inevitably guide us towards our actions. If we don’t believe we deserve time out we won’t give it to ourselves. Resourceful strategies to balance life can be found and maintained easily if we believe it’s possible.

A written ‘Values Elicitation’ exercise enables you to clarify your work and personal aspirations, enabling a true sense of fulfillment. Using this information allows decision-making to be easier and assists in achieving desired outcomes.

For your free ‘Values Elicitation’ exercise contact us.

With Coaching you can achieve:

  • a balanced lifestyle
  • self confidence
  • improved health
  • lower stress levels
  • improved quality of life
  • business success
  • enriched relationships
  • enhanced communication skills
  • career and life direction
  • increased income

Life Coaching is a 45 – 60 minute conversation.

Thought provoking questions are asked which allow you to become more in touch with who you are and how you operate in life.

Limiting beliefs and unhelpful strategies are discovered and exchanged for functional, effective ideas and actions.

You can experience coaching:

  • In a one-on-one session
  • Telephone
  • online with Skype*

*Skype is a software program that allows people to make voice and video calls over the internet on your computer. It provides a time efficient and cost-effective way to experience the results of coaching. Skype is free to setup, and if you are unable to visit my office for time, distance or other reasons, we can still have an engaging and successful session from the comfort of your own home.